Wednesday 20 October 2010

2O.1O.1O... we went into the darkroom to start taking the images for our stop motions for our start of the band video. first of all we had to grab a canon EOS 4OOD camera and also a tripod for the camera to sit on otherwise the image won't take. The settings that we put the camera on were BULB and then 16s which would be how long the aperature would be open for. we would press the button down and then do the drawing and then stop when the picture was taken :) here are a few which were taken which turned out pretty well and that i really do like :). the reasons on why i like these images is how the silhouettes are really clear and really stand out in the colours  and also how strong the colours are. i really think these type of images really can show someones expressions if you get it right.

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