Wednesday 17 November 2010

studio photoshoot ...

... these are the images that i took of patch in my group so i could get used to taking images of other people and get used to using the equipment in the studio. 

This is one of my favourite images because the lighting is just perfect and i love the pose that is being made. all in all i think it is a great image. to create the background we used two waffle lights to shine on to the white background to make it vibrate white, without them the background would be gray. the props used in this portrait was the roses and they weren't intinal, we just did it for a laugh and then the images turned out pretty well. i never asked for this certain pose to be pulled, it just happened and my model patch knew what to do to create a great look. i really do like this pose, the reason being is it's a street like look and then the roses just makes him look dead sweet. 

1 comment:

  1. These are some successful studio images. Talk about the technicalities; type of lighting used (for example, how do you create a white background?), props and poses. Why do you like the pose? Did you give the model any direction?
